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What's Happening at Preschool?

Below you will be able to find all current events and any fundraisers we are organizing! All proceeds we raise go directly to the preschool to enhance learning through play! 


UpComing Events and Fundraisers


On-going Fundraisers

Get back to School Ready with High-quality award winning Labels.


Purchase with NDPCI and support the Preschool for 20% of your purchase total. 


Click below to check out Mabel's Labels and support NDPCI too!

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We've partnered with the Ayr Centennials to help with our fundraising goals!

Additionally, 5% of the proceeds will go to help support youth sports and facilities in North Dumfries.


 Visit and choose "North Dumfries Preschool" when purchasing tickets!

Take the CHANCE and CHASE the ACE with the Cens!!

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